111,091 research outputs found


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    ANALISIS KEMENANGAN LEE CHONG WEI DALAM PERTANDINGAN MELAWAN CHEN LONG Fajar Ahsani ABSTRAK Olahraga Bulutangkis merupakan olahraga yang paling digemari di Indonesia setelah sepakbola. Bulutangkis adalah olahraga yang dimainkan oleh dua orang (untuk tunggal) atau dua pasang (untuk ganda), untuk memainkan olahraga ini kita harus mengetahui teknik-teknik dasar seperti servisforehand pendek, servisforehand tinggi, underhand, lob, smash, dropshot, netting dan juga backhand. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analisis deskriptif untuk mengetahui teknik yang digunakan Lee Chong Wei dan Chen Long dalam Pertandingan Yonex sunrise Hongkong Open 20 November 2015, Celcom Axiata Malaysia Open 10 April 2016, dan Dong Feng Citroen Badminton Asia Championships 1 Mei 2016. Dari hasil penelitian analisis kemenangan Lee Chong Wei dalam pertandingan melawan Chen Long menunjukkan bahwa dalam 3 pertemun Lee Chong Wei mendominasi jalannya permainan. Serangan Lee Chong Wei lebih tersusun rapi daripada serangan Chen Long, serangan Lee Chong Wei dimulai dengan teknik servisforehand pendek, netting, dan smash. Chen Long sering kehilangan konsentrasi jika sudah terkena serangan Lee Chong Wei. Kata kunci: Analisis, Bulutangkis, Pertandingan Bulutangkis, Teknik bulutangkis. ANALYSIS LEE CHONG WEI’S GLORY IN A GAMES AGAINST CHEN LONG FajarAhsani ABSTRACT Badminton is a sport that is most popular in Indonesia after football.Badminton is played by two people (for a single) or two pairs (for a double), to play this sport we need to know the basic techniques such asshort fore hand service, high forehand service, underhand, lob, smash, dropshot, netting, and also backhand. This research is a descriptive analysis to know about Lee Chong Wei’s technique and Chen Long’s technique in the gameYonex sunrise Hong Kong Open November 20th 2015,Celcom Axiata Malaysia Open April 10th2016,andDong Feng Citroen Badminton Asia Championships May 1th, 2016. From the analysis research Lee Chong Wei’s glory in the games against Chen Long showed that within 3 during the meeting, Lee Chong Wei dominated the games. Lee Chong Wei attack more neatly than Chen Long’s attack, Lee Chong Wei’s attack began with a short forehand service techniques, netting, and smash. Chen Long often lose concentration if it had been hit by Lee Chong Wei. Keywords: Analysis, Badminton, Badminton Games, Badminton Techniques

    Lattic path proofs of extended Bressoud-Wei and Koike skew Schur function identities

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    Our recent paper provides extensions to two classical determinantal results of Bressoud and Wei, and of Koike. The proofs in that paper were algebraic. The present paper contains combinatorial lattice path proofs

    Smuggling and import duties in Myanmar

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    This paper examines the effects of import duties on smuggling in Myanmar. Following Fisman and Wei (2004), the reporting discrepancies between Myanmar’s imports records and corresponding exports recorded by trading partners are regarded as indicative of smuggling. The paper studies whether reporting discrepancies differ across trading partners as well as across time. Our main findings are first, that the hike in import duties in June 2004 helped to widen the reporting discrepancies, which suggests smuggling for tax evasion purposes and second, that reporting discrepancies differ considerably across trading partners: land borders appear to be particularly attractive venues for smugglers.Myanmar, Imports, Tariff, Smuggling, Myanmar (Burma), Tax evasion, Border trade

    Additive results for the group inverse in an algebra with applications to block operators

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    We derive a very short expression for the group inverse of a(1) + ... + a(n) when a(1), ... , a(n) are elements in an algebra having group inverse and satisfying a(i)a(j) = 0 for i C∗-algebras. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 345(2), 766-770. doi:10.1016/j.jmaa.2008.04.062Benítez, J, Liu, X and Zhu, T.Nonsingularity and group invertibility of linear combinations of two k-potent matrices, Linear Multilinear Algebra (accepted)Castro-González, N., Dopazo, E., & Martínez-Serrano, M. F. (2009). On the Drazin inverse of the sum of two operators and its application to operator matrices. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 350(1), 207-215. doi:10.1016/j.jmaa.2008.09.035González, N. C., & Koliha, J. J. (2004). New additive results for the g-Drazin inverse. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics, 134(6), 1085-1097. doi:10.1017/s0308210500003632Cvetković-Ilić, D. S., Djordjević, D. S., & Wei, Y. (2006). Additive results for the generalized Drazin inverse in a Banach algebra. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 418(1), 53-61. doi:10.1016/j.laa.2006.01.015Deng, C. Y. (2009). The Drazin inverses of sum and difference of idempotents. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 430(4), 1282-1291. doi:10.1016/j.laa.2008.10.017Deng, C, Cvetković-Ilić, DS and Wei, Y.Some results on the generalized Drazin inverse of operator matrices, Linear Multilinear Algebra (2009). DOI: 10.1080/03081080902722642Djordjević, D. S., & Wei, Y. (2002). Additive results for the generalized Drazin inverse. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 73(1), 115-126. doi:10.1017/s1446788700008508Hartwig, R. E., Wang, G., & Wei, Y. (2001). Some additive results on Drazin inverse. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 322(1-3), 207-217. doi:10.1016/s0024-3795(00)00257-3Koliha, J. J. (2000). Elements of C*-algebras commuting with their Moore-Penrose inverse. Studia Mathematica, 139(1), 81-90. doi:10.4064/sm-139-1-81-9

    The line shape of the radiative open-charm decay of Y(4140) and Y(3930)

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    In this work, we study the radiative open-charm decays Y(4140)Ds+DsγY(4140)\to {D}_s^{\ast+} D_s^- \gamma and Y(3930)D+DγY(3930)\to{D}^{\ast+} D^-\gamma under the assignments of DsDˉsD_{s}^*\bar{D}_s^* and DDˉD^*\bar{D}^* as molecular states for Y(4140) and Y(3930) respectively. Based on our numerical result, we propose the experimental measurement of the photon spectrum of Y(4140)Ds+Dsγ,Ds+DsγY(4140)\to {D}_s^{\ast+} D_s^- \gamma, D_{s}^+D_{s}^{*-}\gamma and Y(3930)D0Dˉ0γ,D0Dˉ0γ,D+Dγ,D+DγY(3930)\to D^{*0}\bar{D}^0\gamma, D^{0}\bar{D}^{*0}\gamma, D^{*+}D^-\gamma, D^+D^{*-}\gamma can further test the molecular assignment for Y(4140) and Y(3930).Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. More references and discussions added, typos corrected. Accepted by Phys. Rev.